Hi there travel buddy! Welcome to A Capone Connection! I’m so happy you’re here. My name is Andrea Capone.
Right now I live in the United States, not too far from Atlanta, Georgia.
Without giving away my age, let’s just say that I have several years of experience with traveling.
I’ve been to different locations in the United States, and I’ve also explored a bit in North America, and Europe.
Overall, I’d say that Europe is my FAVORITE!
We didn’t take family vacations when I was young and my parents didn’t travel with us.
At the age of 18, I got married and started my own family. In my mind, the idea of being a family meant eating dinner at the table every night, going to church on Sundays, and taking a family vacation once a year.
It might surprise you to know that I didn’t start to take traveling seriously until I got divorced at 30 years old!
As a mother of three amazing children, who are now grown, I have different types of travel experiences. It ranges from young family vacations to teenage trips, and adult-only adventures.
I have a degree in Interior Design, so sometimes I like to include Architectural Design information throughout the posts. Hopefully, you find that to be interesting!
My goal is to create a community that inspires and encourages others through travel connections.
I truly want you to make core memories with people you love and value.
Below are some of the places that I’ve visited. You can expect to see travel posts on A Capone Connection about these locations and more. If you’re planning to travel to any of the destinations below, and you’d like some tips or feedback, please let me know! I would be happy to help if I can!
There’s no official “bucket list” YET, but I do have some ideas. Greece is pretty high up on the wish list. For my next water destination, I’m trying to decide between Bali, Fiji, or the Maldives.
Follow me on Pinterest to keep up with all the inspirational ideas on my travel wish list.
Hey! Maybe you’re thinking, “Dang Andrea, you know ALL THE GOOD TRAVEL TIPS!” GREAT NEWS… you can SUBSCRIBE with your email to get notified of new posts so you never miss a thing!
If you would like to collaborate on a project, please let me know. Let’s work together!